DivNull is proud to announce the release of the Encounter Pages format. Encounter Pages take advantage of some of the unique properties of the internet,
allowing greater flexibility and opportunity for customization than traditional print media. The basic concept involves a stanardized format for defining encounters for role-playing systems in a way that fulfill the following goals:

  • Make information easy to find during “run-time” of the adventure. The prose style of most adventures makes locating the bit of information you want during the chaos of a typical gaming session problematic.
  • Provide modularity where possible. Encounters and NPCs are presented as self-contained pages, allowing you to mix and match pages from different Encounter Books into a single adventure.
  • Provide summaries of the dramatic purpose behind each scene. This allows you to more easily customize the adventure to your campaign while maintaining the basic sense of the adventure (or, at least, know at a glance when you are stepping far away from the basics of it).
  • Run the adventure without a great deal of preparation, if necessary. Adventures are better when you customize them to your players, but sometimes you don’t have that kind of time.



