Although work on Wordman’s character
sheets for Shadowrun Second and Third Edition halted at the turn of
the millennium and the sheets were officially discontinued three years
ago, requests for changes to the sheets have continued to trickle
in. At the time of their discontinuation, the intent had been to release
the sources used to create the sheets to the public, so that such
changes might be made by those who wanted them. By then, however, the
ability to read the format in which the files were encoded (Mac QuarkXPress 2.x) and translate it into
something more modern had been lost to DivNull Productions.
Today, however, after using a couple of different operating systems, three different computers (with manufacturing dates spanning over 15 years), four different disk drive technologies, and some slightly questionable ethics, DivNull is pleased to announce the availability of the sources to these character sheets in Adobe InDesign CS3 format.
DivNull would like to release the sheets under a non-commercial Creative Commons license; however, we do not have any rights to the underlying Shadowrun property, so probably do not have the right to issue such a license. Instead, a readme file in the archive containing the sources details the usage: credit us, respect the creators of Shadowrun as they have asked, don’t charge anyone, don’t pretend that your changes are our originals.
Otherwise, go nuts.
- Download Wordman’ Shadowrun Sheet Sources