On Itch.io

More “product” style roleplaying content is now hosted on itch.io. This site also provides a place for feedback and questions.

Convocation Prime

Convocation Prime adapts the rules of Anima Prime into a monster-training game.

Fourth World

Fourth World is a “drift” of the rules of Dungeon World to play in the setting of Earthdawn.

Mobile Frame Zero

I generated the instructions for Soren Roberts’ models for Mobile Frame Zero (both MFØ: Rapid Attack and MFØ: Intercept Orbit), as well as some renderings for the cover and interior. (This work also led to some code contributions to Bricksmith and LPub.)

This blog contains some of experimentation and instructions for Mobile Frame Zero models.

Prime Spiral

While not officially complete, Prime Spiral will detail a number of ways to hack and expand the system of Anima Prime.


A world-building game created for Came Chef 2012. In ’inkadia you create a post-apocalyptic setting by physically destroying a work of art by Thomas Kinkade. It garnered my favorite review.

Vegas, Baby!

Before the Fiasco Companion was released, I didn’t have access to the Las Vegas-themed playset that had been sold with Fiasco as an exclusive at Gencon 2010, so I made my own. Have a fiasco in Vegas, Baby!.


Wanting to play Chris Perrin’s Mecha in the universe of BattleTech, I built a “setting reference schematic (SRS)” for the idea, which you can see here: Succession.

Enslaved Star

My first attempt at the 200 Word RPG Contest, Enslaved Star doesn’t have much fire, but there is a hint of smoke.


Valence attempted to mix chemical models with a dream-like story game. It failed pretty badly at this, but maybe you can make it better.


Exodus would have been an entry in Game Chef 2010, had it been finished. Intended to offer a Battlestar Galactica-type of experience, it was an experimental design based on factional playbooks and trios of Fate dice.

There is a game in there somewhere, but I haven’t figured it out yet. Current version is here: Exodus

Location Maps

Various needs have prompted the creation of maps of gaming locations of various kinds.

DivNull Larks

I used to run contests on a lark, usually to create something. Sometimes, this leads to something great, like the game Blowback. These days, the money is better spent on crowdfunding for most things, but there could be more in the future.

DivNull Larks have their own category on this blog.

Gaming aids

DivNull makes a number of add-on “fan content” for existing games. Our most “product like” creation is Forgotten Suns, a full length adventure for Exalted®. Other gaming-related work includes: